
Thursday, August 25, 2005

[Right after we got the hospital bed]
Joyce: Where are you going Ms. Ana?
Ana: To the hospital
J: Are you feeling ill Ms. Ana?
Ana: No
Ana: Clem… Jana…

April 27, 2005

Ana: Honey, is Thomas Jefferson still alive?

May 2, 2005
Joyce: Ms. Ana that is a beautiful blouse you are wearing
Ana: My mother made I for me
Ana: Clem… Jana…
Ana: My mother didn’t cause the trouble

May 3, 2005

Ana: Holy Mary, mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen
[Ana repeated this many times today]

May 4. 2005

Wilna: Where are you going?
Ana: To Canal Blvd.
W: Why, why are you going there?
Ana: I don’t know.

[While walking to the bed to lye down]
Ana: Honey, will you always help me?
W: Yes Ana, I will always help you.


Ana: Is he gone?
Joyce: Who?
Ana: Clem
J: Yes
Ana: Jana?
J: Jana will be back, Ms. Ana

May 5, 2005

Ana: Honey is he coming for me?
Joyce: Who?
Ana: Clem
Ana: Honey, how can I get out of this place?
J: Where do you want to go, Ms. Ana?
Ana: I don’t know. Clem…
Ana: Jana?

May 7, 2005

Ana: Do you have a nickel?
Ana: Please God help me find…

Ana: I just let it touch her face.

Ana: Jana, 1- 4- 14
Ana: I feel like I don’t have any space.
Jana: You want to go outside and sit on the balcony?
Ana: If I don’t die of pneumonia

May 10, 2005 pm

Ana: A quiet evening
Ana: Clem… Jana…

May 11, 2005
Wilna: What would you like to do now Ana?
Do you want to sit on the balcony or go back to bed?
Ana: I thought I didn’t have a choice.
W: Yes Ana, you always have a choice.
Ana: Then I’d like to go back to bed

[Much later]
Ana: You know momma always got in between…
W: Between you and whom?
[No reply]

May 12, 2005

Ana: Jana finally got where she wanted to go.
Wilna: And where was that?
[No reply]

May 18, 2005

[While getting dressed]

Ana: I got sick you know.
Wilna: No, I didn’t know.
Ana: Over the blouse.

May 19, 2005

[Ana called for Jana several times today]
Ana: Clem, would you do me a favor?
Wilna: sure. What is he favor?
Ana: I don’t know… but would you do me a favor?

W: How do you feel today?
Ana: Sad
W: What is making you sad?
Ana: I don’t know.

June 1. 2005

Ana said “T H” and then proceeded to say every letter of the alphabet.
When she finished I asked her “and what do you say next?”
Ana: now I said my ABC’s next time…

June 8, 2005

Ana: Honey, can I talk you into going out with me?
Wilna: Where do you want to go?
Ana: To Chalmette

Ana: Did you see that man up there dancing?
Ana: There were three houses…
Ana: I’ve been counting and there were three
W: Three what, Ana?
Ana: I don’t know.

Ana: Can you please help me?
W: What do you need?
Ana: I’m trying to figure it out.

Ana: She cried, Jana
W: She did?
Ana: The nursing energy.
Ana: Honey

Ana: I have to go get a change of underwear.
W: Why?
Ana: I have to go back there and get my suit.

Ana: Do I expect Jerusalem to fall?
W: Do you?
Ana: I don’t know

Ana: These are two little girls. Do you see them?


Ana: Honey I want to go home

Ana: Clem never puts it on.
Joyce: Puts what on?
Ana: Eggplant

J: Where are you going Ms. Ana?
Ana: To mass, honey.
Ana: Jana?
J: She will be back soon.
Ana: Clem”
J: Where do you want to go?
Ana: To wherever we’ve been.

June 9, 2005

Wilna: (being playful) What’s your name? Is your name Ana?
Ana: Yes. Ana Cubana!


Ana: (from bed) My father died when I was two. Did I tell you?
Jana: Was it sad?
Ana: No.

[Dow was rubbing her legs]
Ana: You aught to get a big diamond.

June 14, 2005

Tatiana: You look lovely in your pretty pink blouse, Ana.
Ana: This is a good color for me

June 15, 2005

[At breakfast]
Ana: Blessed be the good life.

Ana: Honey could you come down to me?
Wilna: To where, Ana?
Ana: yes.

Ana: The other body couldn’t help me! I want to do whatever I can to get my theater back!

Ana: Jana, what are you going to do about this?
W: About what Ana?
Ana: About us not trusting each other.
W: You don’t think we trust each other?
Ana: No
W: Why do you say that?
Ana: uh huh.

Ana: I want to go home, Jana.

Ana: Honey can you please help me to get home? (Repeats off and on)

Ana: Honey I can’t be in two places at one time.
Joyce: Neither can I, Ms. Ana
Ana: I can’t be in five places at one time [smiles]
J: ok. Ms. Ana
Ana: Honey can you go home and ring the doorbell
J: and do what Ms. Ana?
Ana: Get me a gallon of water.
Ana: Jana, she pushed me out of the door this morning.
J: Who did, Ms. Ana?
Ana: You
J: What’s my name Ms. Ana?
Ana: Sandra
Ana: I can sleep with myself tonight?

June 21, 2005

Ana: Give me the scissors.
Joyce: What are you going to do with them?
Ana: Cut his hair. I mean trim his hair.

Ana: Honey, take me to my mother.
J: Ms. Ana your mother is in heaven.
Ana: I know that.
J: Do you want to go to heaven?
Ana: Yes

June 22, 2005

Ana: Jana, Don’t turn on any of the lights!
Ana: Jana, do you know what you are doing?

June 23, 2005

Ana: Clem, can we please go home now?

Ana: [praying out loud while in bed with eyes semi closed]
…Pray for us sinners now and in the hour of our death…

June 26, 2005

Ana: Honey, come with me. They coming are for me. Please help me to fight.

Ana: no, no

Ana: Please help me, help me. I’m tired. Oh, boy.
Ana: Somebody is looking for me.

Monday, August 01, 2005

May 2, 2005
Joyce: Ms. Ana that is a beautiful blouse you are wearing
Ana: My mother made I for me
Ana: Clem… Jana…
Ana: My mother didn’t cause the trouble

May 3, 2005

Ana: Holy Mary, mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen
[Ana repeated this many times today]

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